Alive, Active, and Sharper than a Double Edged Sword

Going Deeper into Scripture

Have you read through the entire Bible?  Would you like to develop a good habit of daily Bible reading? We want to help.

The Bible reading charts below have organized readings from four daily portions to offer variety.

  • The weekly reading from the Torah, or Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy).
  • A roughly chronological reading through the historical and corresponding prophetic books of the Old Testament.
  • The rich literature of the Scriptures ( Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes)
  • A portion from the New Testament for each day.

The Jewish calendar begins on Rosh Hashanah, which usually falls in late September or early October. On the final day of Sukkot is a special celebration called Simchat Torah (Joy of the Law). It is then that the Jewish people rejoice in completing the reading of the Torah, the five books of Moses, in a year. Thus, Simchat Torah has been chosen for the day to start this cycle of reading through the Bible. However, the reading guide has been set up with numbered days to be easily adjustable for whatever date you choose to begin reading on.

This reading guide has been organized for five days a week instead of seven to allow for flexibility. If you miss a day, it is easy to get back on track. Of course, aim to read your Bible every day, as this will help you stay ahead of the schedule and even finish reading the Bible in less than a year.

The charts are available in a simple table, or a calendar format for your convenience. If you would like more information and tips on developing your Bible reading habit, click on our “Bible Reading Guide” below.

Our Full Calendar Layout

Torah Portions

Torah Portions for each week of the year, including the Haftara (prophecy portion), and corresponding New Testament readings.

Simple Table Chart

Here you will find the yearly reading laid out in a clear, simple, and accessible way.

More Desirable than Gold

May this Bible reading guide be a blessing to you and help you to develop the daily habit of immersing yourself in God’s Word. The benefits you will glean will be immeasurable. Even if you don’t finish reading the Bible in a year, hopefully you will develop a love of the Word of God that will enrich your life with wisdom and wonder.

“The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19: 9-10 NKJV