But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive.” Exodus 1:7 NKJV

As a father of a son and two daughters, one of the books that helped in our childrearing was Dr. James Dobson’s “Bringing up Boys.” It was a welcome arrow in the arsenal of many families raising boys to be Godly men, especially as school and societal structures became less tolerant of the unique nature of boys. In our Torah Portion of the week, Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1, we read of an ancient war on boys rooted in the fears of Pharoah. In truth, it wasn’t little boys which Pharoah feared, but the men they would become! And lest we think this is an obsession of some long-forgotten Pharoah, we only need look to today’s advertising, media, and entertainment. Thankfully, Exodus’ story does not end with Pharoah’s edict. Enter two young heroines, Shiphrah and Puah, who feared God more than the king.

Shemot means names, and for eternity the names of our two heroines, Shiphrah and Puah, are remembered. Their defiance of Pharoah was rewarded powerfully by the Lord. And when Pharoah called them to account for the boy’s survival, the midwives said Hebrew women give birth lively before they could even arrive. But those Hebrew boys lived because these women feared God!

Advocating for our Boys

American society seeks to destroy our boys’ masculinity through indoctrination and, yes, even chemical castration! Thank God for Shiphrah and Puah, advocates for the boys of ancient Israel. Now, who will advocate for our sons?

Pharoah’s Fear

Pharoah feared a coming generation that would break the bonds of slavery, redeem their families, and walk into their inheritance. Driven by Satan, Pharoah feared the coming redeemer from within Israel. When we think of mighty men, our mind goes to Moses, Samuel, David, and, ultimately, the Messiah. But what about the many nameless, Godly men who led their families in fear of the Lord? These also are redeemers protecting their wives and children. Shiphrah and Puah advocated for them also. The Psalmist well described such when he said:

“Sons born during one’s youth are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they dispute with enemies at the city gate.” Psalm 27: 4-5 EHV

Advocating for our boys to be strong, Godly men is also an advocacy for our daughters. When physical and metaphorical enemies stand within our gates, as they surely will, may Godly men guard. And let us learn from these two heroines who advocated for boys. For, our Godly boys are destined to become anointed men dispelling fear and contending for the weak at the gates of future generations.

Shavuah Tov,