“Then Jesus said to them, ‘A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.’ These things Jesus spoke and departed, and was hidden from them.” (John 12:35-36)

Our family went for a hike in the hills of Jerusalem with some friends a number of years ago. We enjoyed the day and reached the top of a high hill to explore a cave we saw there. But as we turned to leave, we realized that the sun was dipping down, the light was already fading and we had a long way to go through brush and over rocks to get back to our car. We didn’t have flashlights and the children began to get nervous as we realized it would be pitch black before we got to the car. On the way down the mountain, we came across the fresh carcass of a wild striped hyena and began to hear the night sounds of the nocturnal wildlife starting to rise in the distance. Suddenly, it was no longer a fun day, but a desperate push to get to safety before the light was completely gone. We did make it to our car just as full darkness enveloped us and were quite relieved to be safe and sound again.

I believe this world is on the cusp of being enveloped in total darkness. There is no longer time to relax or sit down to wait for a better opportunity. We must walk with intention and push ahead with determination before the darkness overtakes the world. There are real hyenas and jackals and other hazards that can make the way perilous. Be alert and vigilant! Pray like never before! Press on and don’t give up. Jesus is coming soon and He will be looking for sons of light who are watching for Him and lighting the way for others to get to the safety of His everlasting arms. The darkness will try to hide Him from the eyes of those who are not walking in the light. But the darkness will hide from Him as His light opens the eyes of those who were blind. Our job is to carry the light while there is still day remaining.

Be encouraged! Don’t let the world news alarm you or discourage you. Keep your eyes up and looking for your Redemption to draw nigh!