As we celebrate Mother’s Day this week, I remember my precious mom, Helen. She would often take me as a child up on her lap and comfort me when I was afraid of thunder in the night, or when I fell down and scraped my knee, or when a favorite pet was lost. And today, even though we live far apart, my mom is still one of my biggest sources of encouragement and prayers when I need a friend to run to with all of life’s dramas.  She is always eager to listen or give a sage word of advice when I don’t know what to do. But perhaps the dearest moments with Mom are when I can simply hug her just because I love her and feel her hugging me back just because she loves me. It reminds me of these verses in Psalm 131:1-2,

“LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

What is a weaned child with his mother like? A babe that is not weaned only roots instinctively for nourishment when his mother holds him. He is only seeking for his needs to be met. And he can only tolerate milk. But a weaned child sits on his mother’s lap simply because he wants to be loved and held and comforted, not to be fed. He can eat meat instead of milk.

When you come to God, are you only praying for what you need? Are you still on a milk diet from His Word? Or do you delight to just rest in His presence and be loved and comforted in His arms? Do you crave the meatier teachings from His Word, and hearing His voice speaking to you in return?

Just as a mom relishes those tender moments with her child, so does the Lord revel in those quiet and intimate moments with us. Take some time, not to concern yourself with great matters or ask Him about things you don’t understand or to bring your many petitions to Him, but just to sit in His presence and hug Him with your worship just because you love Him. And wait for Him to envelope you with His hug in return just because He loves you. His embrace will calm and quiet your soul like a weaned child.

Let us run to our Father today, climb into His lap and press into that quiet and secure place in His presence and enjoy a break from the stresses and worries of our day. He is eagerly awaiting you, too, with His arms open wide. And, if you can, give your mom a big hug today, too.