When the Israelites went out from Egypt they ran into many challenges in the wilderness—lack of water, lack of food, even attacks from the Amalekites. They were in a battle for their lives at Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-16). But God was not caught off guard. He came in to supply all their needs—water from the rock, manna every morning, and victory over their enemy. Yet, even in that battle, Moses became tired. His hands became heavy; his knees became weary. Aaron and Hur rolled a stone under him to sit on and supported his hands on each side until the battle was won.

This is a beautiful picture of intercession. Moses was interceding for God’s people. Aaron and Hur were interceding for Moses through physical and moral support. Some of you, or someone you care about, are going through a trial, a real battle with your greatest enemy, the devil. You are in one of those when-it-rains-it-pours seasons and are praying for God’s intervention in your circumstances, but you are getting tired and weary because the battle has been long and the enemy strong. Who do you have to come alongside you and give you support? Who do you have to hold up your hands and give your knees a rest?

“Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear!’ Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you.” (Isaiah 35:3-4)

You have the greatest intercessor—the Lord Himself! He sees your struggle. He knows where you are. He understands how weak and tired you feel. He will come in with a vengeance to save you and to uphold you by His own right hand. He will give you strong hands. He will make your knees firm. Don’t give up! Don’t be discouraged! The battle may seem long, but with God fighting for you the victory is sure.

And if you know someone who is in this battle, you too can come alongside them and help them with physical and moral support. You may not be able to go through the battle with them, but your prayers and good deeds can hold up their hands and give their knees a rest. You can remind them to not be afraid. You can bring them food—both spiritual and physical—or medicine to soothe them. You can be their Aaron or Hur until their battle is won.

Be encouraged in the Lord today! “If God be for us, who can stand against us?” (Romans 8:31)