During the recent Covid-19 pandemic we have grown accustomed to wearing masks, face shields, gloves, and more. And walking through the mall  is a collection of seemingly faceless bodies. You can’t tell if someone is smiling, frowning or crying under their masks. But more recently, there have been a lot of news headlines about people all over the world who are protesting mask mandates. “Freedom Convoys” in Canada and the United States and even in Israel have stood against the government policies to enforce the wearing of masks. I personally am glad to wear a mask as protection against the spread of not only Covid-19 but also many other viruses like the cold and flu, but the idea of the government controlling our every decision or desire is what is driving these convoys to take their stand.

Surprisingly, this wearing of masks is not a new thing. Even when we were free to walk about with open faces, people have hidden behind masks of artificial smiles and cheery hellos when inside their heart was really breaking and their spirit was crying out for help. But one day, Isaiah declared, all that will change.

“And in this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all people a feast of choice pieces, a feast of wines on the lees…And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of covering cast over all people, and the veil (masks) that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever, and the LORD God will wipe away tears from all faces; the rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; for the LORD has spoken.” (Isaiah 25:7-8)

God can see beneath the fabric mask covering your face to know if you are smiling or frowning. And He can peel back the flesh mask over your heart to see the tears and hurts and disappointment and guilt and shame you have hiding there. He hears your cries in your bed in the deepest night when you think no one else understands what you’re feeling. He understands the wounds that have been inflicted on your soul by the words of thoughtless people. And He CARES! He feels your pain. He revels with you when you feel joy. He longs with deep longing to hold you in His arms and envelope you in His love and make everything all right.

One day He will remove all of our masks and wipe away all our tears and fill us with the choicest blessings and richest favors that He can lavish on us. But you don’t have to wait until then. Open your heart to Him now. Let Him come in and pour in His healing oil and wine. He is waiting with open arms to take all your cares and hurts on Himself and care for you.

I pray that you will feel God’s sweet presence soothing your heart and wiping away your tears today. Be encouraged in the Lord! “He is near to the brokenhearted.”