I dearly love my husband. He is more than a spouse to me; he is my best friend! We have been married for nearly thirty years and I feel closer to him now than ever.

There is an intriguing picture of a marriage in Hosea 12:12,

“Jacob fled to the country of Syria; Israel served for a spouse, and for a wife he tended sheep.”

We see a picture of two brides here. After Jacob served Laban seven years for his bride, he was surprised to wake up and find Leah, her sister, in his bed instead of Rachel. But the marriage was already consummated. He had to tend Laban’s sheep for another seven years to gain the wife he wanted.  Leah was his spouse. He was faithful and took care of her, but he did not love her. Rachel, however, was his wife, the love of his heart. There are many people today who are married to spouses. They are committed to one another and the family, but there is no spark of love between them. And there are others who are married to a true husband or wife. They share a deep bond of love that grows year by year with their relationship.

When God brought His people out of Egypt, He met with them at Mount Sinai and betrothed them to Himself as a bride. Hosea 12:9-13 describes how the Lord wooed his people, “Ever since the land of Egypt…I have also spoken by the prophets, and have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets…” But what kind of bride was Israel in return? Hosea 11:7 says,

“My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High, none at all exalt Him.”

The Lord’s unfaithful spouse did not return the deep love to Him that He held for her.

There are many people today who call themselves believers. They invoke His name and speak religious phrases like “God is good” or “God bless our country”. But there is a difference between being a spouse and being a wife. There are so many who call the Most High their God, but they do not exalt Him in their hearts or lives. They do not have the deep, loving relationship with God that a true husband and wife share. It is vital to know that the Lord God still loves all His people and yearns for them to draw close to Him and honor Him in all they do.

What kind of bride of Christ are you? Are you merely a spouse, committed to God in words or actions but not really feeling that spark of love in your heart? Or are you a wife with a deep bond, a relationship that exalts Him as your head and the love of your heart and honors and trusts His leading in your life? The Lord loves you dearly and is wooing you today to come deep into His presence and to be enveloped in His arms of love. There you will find comfort and peace for every situation and rest for your soul.

Run to the Lord, your loving husband today. He is waiting for you with open arms and will never turn you away or say He’s too busy. He is more than a spouse to us—He is our Best Friend!