When I first married my husband, I applauded him for his patience with my meager cooking skills. Over the years, I have developed a love of cooking and a courage to experiment with new recipes. But one thing that frustrates me the most in the kitchen is a dull knife. We bought a couple of new knives and the first time I used them I quickly realized how inefficient my old knives had become over time. So, I dug an old whetstone out of my drawer and gave all my old knives a new, crisp edge.
A habit of daily Bible reading is like sharpening your knife on a whetstone. A dull knife does not get sharp after only one or two swipes. It takes time and patience to get the blade super sharp to be effective. But once it is sharp it is easier to keep it sharp with daily attention. The same is with wielding God’s Word. In order to be most effective, we have to be ever sharpened with daily reading and study. It takes time and patience to hone our habit of daily Bible study. It not only becomes a powerful weapon against our enemy, but it also sharpens and strengthens us from within as well.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 NKJV

Are you practicing your Word-wielding skills each day? Do you feel a bit rusty or dull in your understanding of God’s Word? Don’t let your sword sit in its sheath and collect dust. Pull out your Bible and dig in. It may take some patience to get your Bible reading habit honed again, but it is so worth it. It will help you be much more effective in your daily work and witness. Don’t give up! You will see fruit in your life if you persevere in your daily Bible-reading habit.