A Proper Thanksgiving
What would you say a PROPER Thanksgiving Day looks like? Some might say there has to be a turkey involved, or that the Thanksgiving Day Parade is on television. Others say it is PROPER to watch the favorite football game after a huge meal. Certainly, it is a time to be thankful for
Tabernacles Past, Tabernacles Future
This week we will be celebrating Sukkot--the Feast of Tabernacles--a remembrance of when the LORD God commanded the Israelites to dwell in booths in the Wilderness. As I was reading my Bible, I found an uncanny similarity between two beautiful passages relating to this holiday. The first passage is in Nehemiah Chapter 8.
A Special Gift from God
Have you received a special gift from God? You might consider your spouse or children as gifts, or your job, or a talent you have been able to develop. But have you ever considered your pastor as a gift? This weekend is Pastor Appreciation Day. It is a good time to think about
Keeping a Clean Camp
Today is Erev Yom Kippur. It is the evening of the Day of Atonement, when all Israel would gather before the Sanctuary in great anticipation while the high priest went behind the veil into the Holy of Holies to offer the blood of the sacrifice before the Mercy Seat of God between the
Our Greatest Example
Happy Father's Day to all our godly and gracious dads! This week I am grateful for my dad. He was always a gentle and loving teacher for me as a child, but he was also a man of his word. If he warned me of a consequence to disobedience and I disobeyed anyway,
The Higher Rock
Life is filled with times of stress. Moving is stressful. Traveling is stressful. Deadlines are stressful. Financial leanness, relationships, sickness is stressful. You name it; life is stressful. It is easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of the goal. At times like these you may feel like the Lord is very far
Our Sanctified Temples
When King Solomon finished building the Temple and dedicated it to the LORD, the presence of God came in like a cloud and filled the Temple so the priests who were ministering could not stand because of the glory of the LORD that filled the sanctuary. Then Solomon cried out a psalm his
The Prayer of Your Life
One of my favorite books of the New Testament is The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians. It is filled with so many encouraging and faith-building passages. One verse I found that I would like to share with you today is Philippians 1:9-11: “And this I pray, that your love may
Oh, That We May!
I hope you read my article on the Tapestry of God’s Word. In it we saw a magnificent thread woven through the Scriptures of God’s voice going forth to declare His messages of hope and salvation. The Lord spoke these words directly to His Chosen People—the Israelites—but the promises He made are available
Spiritual Inventory
We are getting ready to schedule our annual physical exams. We check weight, blood pressure, get lab work done, and have a conversation with our doctor to get a complete update on where we stand in our general health. This is a good way to catch an underlying issue before it becomes a
The Tapestry of God’s Word
I have enjoyed learning to crochet over the years. I never accomplished the complex and intricate methods that some gifted artisans can create, but I have mastered the “Granny Square”. With this simple crochet technique, I have been able to create blankets in so many different colors and patterns. One thing I have
All that Glitters
Abraham and his nephew, Lot, had come to Canaan with all they owned, looking for the inheritance that the Lord God had promised them. But "the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together." (Genesis 13:6) So,
Our Minimum = His Maximum
Being a human is not easy. My husband and I have been trying to lose weight. It is a real struggle. We will do well, eating properly for a few days, but then some frustration or temptation overcomes us and we indulge in some delicacy that we later regret. We often feel like
Fulfill Your Calling
When I read about the prophets who had to preach hard messages to the rebellious people of Israel and Judah, I don't envy the job the Lord asked them to do. Ezekiel had to lie on his side and eat meager rations cooked over cow dung as an illustrated sermon to God's people
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“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 TLV