Happy Father’s Day to all our godly and gracious dads!

This week I am grateful for my dad. He was always a gentle and loving teacher for me as a child, but he was also a man of his word. If he warned me of a consequence to disobedience and I disobeyed anyway, he would stick to his word even if it hurt his heart. He would try to teach me a new skill and made it look so easy. But when I tried to imitate him, I would usually be very clumsy and awkward. He would chuckle and tell me, “You didn’t hold your tongue right that time.” Now, as an adult, I honor and respect my dad as a good example in my life.

We all have a great lineage of faithful people throughout the Bible to set examples for us on how to live. But our greatest example is Yeshua Himself who suffered the most incredible hostility from sinners and even the cross with great joy because He knew it would make a way for us to come to Him.

So don’t get discouraged at the various trials and sins you seem to be striving with in your life. The Lord is always trying to gently correct you like a father does his children. Our earthly fathers did the best they knew to bring us up, but our Heavenly Father does everything not only for our good, but for our best so we can be holy like He is.

Therefore, strengthen your hands for the work He has given you to do, stand tall and strong in your faith and walk carefully in peace and holiness so you can inherit all the wonders of His glorious kingdom which will never be shaken. Serve God with grace, reverence and godly fear.

This is my summary of Hebrews Chapter 12.  I encourage you to read the whole chapter for yourself today. It is chock full of good tidbits for you. I love you and hope you have a blessed day.