Have you ever seen a group of playful lambs leaping and frolicking in the field, for the sheer joy of being alive?

Yesterday, I talked about how we are like the sheep in the Lord’s flock. Ezekiel 34 portrays many promises that the Lord God made for His sheep, His people. Some may argue that this chapter talks exclusively about Israel and God’s Chosen People. But don’t feel excluded. The Lord Yeshua, Our Good Shepherd, also declared many perks He offers to His sheep. I counted at least seventeen great assurances He affords to His own in John 10:1-30. Here are a few of those amazing promises:

  1. He calls His own sheep by name.
  2. He leads them out and goes before them.
  3. He gives them life more abundantly.
  4. He lays down His life for His sheep.
  5. No one shall snatch any of them out of His hand.

How many more promises did you find in John 10? Write them down on sticky notes to add to the tidbits you found yesterday as tasty tufts of grass to feed your soul.

Our Good Shepherd loves us and takes care of us. He knows all those who are His, both Jewish and Gentile, in the past, present, and in the future. He will make sure all His sheep are brought safely into His fold. He promised,

“And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” (John 10:16)

And when we are all brought into our eternal home, the blessed security of the Lord’s pastures, we too shall rejoice and sing and dance as jubilant lambs before him for the sheer joy of being alive in Him.