As I was driving down the highway one day, I was watching carefully all the traffic that was zipping around my car both in front of me and from behind. But I failed to look a bit farther down the road to see that there was a semi-truck that was crawling along very slowly in the right lane. I had to make a quick lane change in swift traffic to keep from getting stuck behind the big snail that was ahead. That move was kind of dangerous as the road was entering a dark tunnel where I would not have been able to see how to maneuver. I made a mental note that I should check not only what was around me, but also further down the road.

I think the same idea applies to what is going on in our world today. We are watching the news and taking note of the events around us, but we also need to be looking ahead at where all of these events are heading. I feel like our nation is about to enter a dark tunnel where it will be difficult to navigate once we’re there if we have not made some plans to prepare now for whatever might come in the near or distant future. Proverbs 27:12 says,

“A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; the simple pass on and are punished.”

This is the time to be on our guard so we can foresee the evil that lurks ahead of us and hide. And where should we hide? The best and only hiding place that will protect us is to be hiding ourselves under the shadow of God’s wings in prayer and planning. We don’t want to be caught with our pants down when we need to be ready to jump. But we should ask the Lord for wisdom on how to proceed in every circumstance.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

Don’t let the evil of this world slow you down or get you distracted. The devil would love to keep you stuck on the shoulder of the road behind a heavy burden or hinderance, but the Lord wants you to continue moving forward by faith. Keep your eyes on the One who will help you navigate around the obstacles and dangers that lie ahead to lead you safely home to Him. Keep your chins up and look ahead for the signs of the times are everywhere. I believe the coming of the Lord is drawing nigh. Let’s be ready not just to jump, but to fly when He blows the trumpet!