There was once a most pitiful man who was born lame. He had to depend on friends to carry him every day and deposit him on the Temple steps where he would sit all day begging with his head lowered in shame and embarrassment. Then, his friends would return and scoop him up to go home to one more miserable night in his meaningless existence. He had done this for many years without hope or even dream of ever expecting anything more. But when Peter and John met the lame man at the entrance of the Temple, he had an encounter with God that he wasn’t expecting. Peter had to encourage the man to look up and see his hand extended. And as Peter pulled this man up, the power of God coursed through his whole body, starting at his gnarled toes, moving up his limp legs and through his body, even touching his heart and mind in the process as he realized what was happening to him.  He was a new man from his toes to his head! Peter and John explained to the crowd that had gathered to see how this lame man was suddenly walking and leaping and praising God,

“And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:16)

This man had only the tiniest bit of faith to look up from his miserable situation and listen to Peter and reach out his hand for whatever Peter could offer. And he was instantly and unexpectedly not only healed in his legs, but he was made perfectly sound! His whole miserable situation dissolved in a moment! His shame was gone! His depression was gone! His worry was gone! His embarrassment was gone! His dependence on others to carry him was gone! And all of this was replaced with a joy he never knew he could have. That is what faith in Jesus does for us. When Jesus heals, He doesn’t leave anything half done. He heals to the uttermost. He saves us and raises us and helps us and fills us with His presence. When we yield our hearts and lives to Him, He revives our soul and lifts us up out of our misery into His marvelous joy.

“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19).

Are you miserable and frustrated in your situation? Do you feel stymied and helpless and constantly need help from others? Are you burdened with worry or depression or sickness? You only need a little bit of faith to look up and reach out to Jesus, and His presence will come flooding in to give you perfect soundness. He will start at your weakest and most vulnerable point and work up from there. He will revive your spirit and strengthen you from your toes to your head. He will touch your body and renew your mind. Then He will fill you with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

If you are doing well and are living in victory, Praise the Lord! But there are broken and weary people all around you who are without hope and joy like the lame man. Reach out your hand to them and let the Lord flow through you to bring them the answers that they can’t even dream of in their miserable state. Be Jesus’ hands and feet extended to those around you today.

May you experience the times of refreshing in the Lord’s presence today and every day.