I have often found that the best time for me to pray is the middle of the night. All is quiet in the house. There are no pressing chores demanding attention. I am not hungry or thirsty. There is no traffic noise or voices from neighbors to distract my thoughts.  One night as I prayed, I watched a blanket of fog roll in and completely obscure the lights from houses and streets outside my window. I could see nothing at all.

I thought to the Lord, “Sometimes, this is how I feel when I pray.” I feel like I am wandering through a fog, trying to listen for the voice of the Lord, but my thoughts are like static that interferes with my spiritual insight and hearing. I feel unsure about what is the right way to go or confused about which decision is best according to God’s will for me. I have a hard time keeping my prayers focused; I feel like I am stuck in the doldrums.

But the Lord does not want things to be hard for us to figure out. He has made His will simple and easy to understand. He wants to be found by us. He told His people in Isaiah 42:16,

“I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.”

It is at times like this, when we feel like we are stuck in the doldrums, that we need to press in and believe for a breakthrough. The Lord is not standing far away, taunting you to come find Him on your own. He is close to you, reaching out His hand to catch you if you stumble.  Don’t be afraid to move forward; the Lord will not let you stray from His path. He will take you by the hand and lead you or re-direct you to be within His will, even if you are not aware of His hand on you.

And as you find Him, as you feel His presence around you, then you need to press in to reach His heart. Grab ahold of Him and don’t let go until He blesses you. He will envelop you in His arms and calm you and give you a peace about the right way to go.

That foggy night as I waited and prayed, I realized that the sun was peeking over the horizon. I could make out the shapes of buildings emerging through the dim light. Things became clearer and clearer as the rising sun caused the fog to dissipate. I thanked the Lord for visiting me in my dark moment and for allowing Himself to be found by me. And these verses in Proverbs 4:11-18 set the tone for my day,

“I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run you will not stumble…But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.”

May you be encouraged and blessed as you seek the Lord, even through the fog of distractions around you. And may the light of the Lord’s love break through your dark moments like a sunbeam, dispelling all your doubts and fears.