My husband and I recently went for a hike in a nearby forest. As we walked down a steep, rocky incline, the pebbles under my feet became like marbles and I felt myself slipping. I landed hard on my knee and elbow and rolled and came to rest face down in the dirt. I was not seriously hurt, but for a moment I just wanted to lay there in the dust and let my dignity recover. Then my attentive husband helped me to my feet and spoke tenderly to me as we continued our trek along the shady path to a spot where we sat together and enjoyed the beautiful mountain views.

This reminded me of several friends and family members who were going through real battles in their life at the time. My heart was burdened for what I knew they were struggling with. Maybe you are going through a difficult trial right now, too. Have you received emotional or spiritual wounds from people around you? Do you feel like you have fallen face down in your life’s walk and don’t have the energy to get up and brush yourself off? Do the multitude of anxieties in your heart seem to overwhelm your mind with discouragement? Perhaps you, too, have wrestled with wanting to give up and just lay there in your pitiful state and think about your hurt feelings.

My dear friend, you have a loving and attentive Heavenly Father who is walking with you right by your side. He doesn’t want you to lay there in your misery and nurse your wounds. He wants to help you to your feet, clean you off, speak tender words of comfort to you and lead you safely on your way. I found this amazing verse in Psalm 94:17-19 that I would like to share with you today,

“Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul would soon have settled in silence. If I say, ‘My foot slips!’, Your mercy, O LORD, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.”

Don’t give up! The Lord wants you to know that He is holding your hand through whatever circumstances you are facing. He understands the sting of the emotional scrapes and bruises you have received, but He loves you deeply and wants to bring you to a beautiful place of peace and joy in His presence. Listen for His comforting words in your spirit. Allow Him to pick you up and refresh you with His healing delights. And when He brings you to your destination, you will be blown away by the majestic views awaiting you and the rest He will bring to your soul. May you be encouraged as you press on in your continued journey with Yeshua.