Proverbs 4:20-27 tells us to follow God with all our being…all our senses should be devoted to keeping us rightly aligned with God.

My son (or daughter), give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings (hearing)…Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life (feelings/emotions). Put away a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you (taste). Let your eyes look straight ahead (seeing)…Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or left; remove your foot from evil (touching).”

God wants you—all of you—every part, every aspect, every nook and cranny of your being. He asks for complete and total surrender to Him and His ways.  He always gives you His undivided attention, every moment of every day and night! He never leaves you for even a millisecond. In return He wants us to worship Him and honor Him with every fiber of our being. Is that too much to ask? No! It is not nearly enough to repay Him for all He has done for us and for all the blessings He has freely lavished on us. Don’t hold back any part of your heart or your life or your mind or your strength from serving the Lord. Give Him your ALL…use all your senses to embrace Him.

But there is one sense that was not mentioned in this passage—smelling. This is the beauty of living for God with all that is within you. YOU become the sense of smell for HIM! Your life and your acts of worship will rise up to be a sweet aroma in His nostrils. And your fragrance becomes the aroma of life to those who are searching for God around you. (See Corinthians 2:15) Isn’t that a lovely thought?!

So, let it go! Let your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, prayers, praises, worries, fears, depressions, hurts—all of you—go up to God today. May you truly become a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable and pleasing to God.