In 2 Kings 19, Jerusalem was surrounded by Sennacherib and his army of 185,000 plus. The army commanders went to the walls of the city and shouted insults and threats and intimidation toward the people who did not answer back by King Hezekiah’s order. But Hezekiah took the threatening letters that were delivered from the army commanders to the Temple and spread them out before the LORD and cried,

“See and hear the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to reproach the living God…I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you are the LORD God, You alone.” (2 Kings 19:15-19)

We, too, face a similar situation all too often. Our enemy, the devil and his demons, continually bombard us with insults, threats and intimidation tactics. Even though we have the blood of Yeshua covering us as a shield, our spiritual ears are still able to hear his lies.  But it’s how we respond to those lies that is most important. It is not our place to give answer to the devil, but we should bring his words and lay them before our Lord’s feet.

Have the doctors given you a dire diagnosis? Do your friends or co-workers ridicule you saying that you “lean on a crutch of religion”? Have you been wounded by the unkind words or actions of those you thought were your dear friends? Are you struggling emotionally and spiritually because of other lies and insults the enemy lobs over your heart’s walls of defense? That you are not lovely or worthy or deserving of God’s grace? That you are not loved or are not close to God’s heart?

Don’t answer those lies! Instead, take those evil words and spread them out before the Lord and let Him give you His answer. He will give an answer to the enemy as well, calling him to account for the wrong he has spoken against you, a child of God. The Lord loves you. You are His dear and precious possession. He will stand and defend you in your fight against the enemy of your soul! He will heal and comfort and tell you the truth when you run to Him and spread your heart’s cries at His feet.

Run to Him today! Give Him all your cares and worries. Tattle to Him about what the devil has been whispering in your ears. And let Him answer you and answer the devil. The battle is the Lord’s!