Have you ever heard the phrase, “drinking from a firehose”? This describes a situation when one is overwhelmed with too much work, information, etc. at once. It is to be inundated with an uncapped, unfiltered amount, or to attempt to take a small amount from an enormous, hard-to-manage quantity. Usually, this is not a pleasant or comfortable situation. But this is not the case when it comes to outpourings from God. Two things that God delights in pouring out upon us every day are grace and peace.

How much grace does God have? It is inexhaustible! Is there a limit to the peace He can pour out? It is unfathomable! When God bestows His grace and peace on you, He doesn’t give it in a single portion, a measure that you can contain. It is a nine-fold outpouring from an unquenchable source. What does this mean? Where do these nine outpourings emanate from? Who all is involved in this blessing? Revelation 1:4-6 says,

“Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth…”

So, the first measure of grace and peace comes from God the Father Himself, who is and who was and who is to come. He is ever-present, unchanging, all-knowing. He is your firm foundation. And seven more outpourings come to you from the seven Spirits who are before His throne. Who are these seven Spirits who send grace and peace? Isaiah 11:2 lists them by name:

  1. The Spirit of the LORD (Holy Ghost)
  2. The Spirit of Wisdom
  3. The Spirit of Understanding
  4. The Spirit of Counsel
  5. The Spirit of Might
  6. The Spirit of Knowledge
  7. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

Each one of these seven Spirits, or seven facets of the Holy Spirit of God, dispense grace and peace to you in different ways. They lead and guide you in every step you make and teach you to trust in the Lord. And finally, for dessert, you get a ninth hefty portion of grace and peace from the Son, Jesus Christ. He is always faithful and has given you a promise of hope for your future resurrection. So, the entire Godhead–Father, Son and Spirit–are all cooperating to lavish upon us grace and peace.  No wonder we can’t contain all the grace and peace God freely offers us! We are being flooded with it from every aspect of God’s character! What a wonderful blessing it is to drink in the grace and peace from God’s heavenly firehose.

Brace yourself! All of this grace and peace and many more blessings are coming to you right now from God’s firehose. May you be filled to overflowing with more than you can contain from God today!!!!