I love a good mystery, an intriguing story with a seemingly unanswerable puzzle, and a solution that is like a revelation at the end. For example, in World War II, the Germans engineered a machine that could create coded messages that could only be decoded by another machine like it. They aptly called this machine the Enigma because it was a mystery, a most intriguing puzzle that the Allied Forces worked day and night to try to unravel. But finally, after capturing one of these Enigma machines and reverse-engineering it, the solution was revealed, and it turned the course of the war to the Allied Forces’ favor. It was absolutely eye-opening to them how complex and convoluted the Germans’ imaginations were to create such a mysterious secret.

The Bible, too, is filled with wonderful mysteries that are much to great for us to comprehend in our natural minds. Many times, I close His Word for the day with more questions than answers. But the greatest mystery of all of God’s Word has been opened to us, and the solution is life changing. This is unarguably the greatest mystery of godliness in all the history of the world:

“God was manifested in the flesh,

Justified by the Spirit,

Seen by angels,

Preached among the Gentiles,

Believed on in the world,

Received up in glory.”

1 Timothy 3:16

And since God has chosen to reveal this wonderful truth to us, how could we keep it to ourselves? This is a secret that is too good NOT to share. This revelation will turn the course of the war of sin in this world to God’s favor. This is the message of the Gospel, decoded in a nutshell. And it is not too complex or convoluted; it is the simplest explanation. So simple, in fact, that many people have a hard time accepting it.

I pray that this most amazing mystery will be divinely revealed in your heart like a beautiful rose opening all of its glorious petals. And may you share this wonderful message of hope and salvation to those around you who are still puzzled by God and His plan of redemption. Don’t be afraid! The Lord will enable you as you are faithful to open your mouth and utter His truth. His Holy Spirit will get the message across clearly to your audience.