Revelation 7 Archives - Rock of Revelation Uncovering the foundations of the Faith Mon, 10 Oct 2022 18:22:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 197607670 Tabernacles Past, Tabernacles Future Sun, 09 Oct 2022 01:05:29 +0000 This week we will be celebrating Sukkot--the Feast of Tabernacles--a remembrance of when the LORD God commanded the Israelites to dwell in booths in the Wilderness. As I was reading my Bible, I found an uncanny similarity between two beautiful passages relating to this holiday. The first passage is in Nehemiah Chapter 8. The Jews

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This week we will be celebrating Sukkot–the Feast of Tabernacles–a remembrance of when the LORD God commanded the Israelites to dwell in booths in the Wilderness. As I was reading my Bible, I found an uncanny similarity between two beautiful passages relating to this holiday.

The first passage is in Nehemiah Chapter 8. The Jews had just returned to Jerusalem after a long and difficult captivity in Babylon and were deciding how to reinstitute the Feasts of the Lord (the Fall Feasts of Rosh HaShana to Tabernacles fall between September to October–the seventh month on the Jewish calendar).

“When the seventh month came, the children of Israel were in their cities. Now all the people gathered together as one man in the open square…and they told Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had commanded Israel…And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people…and Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. Then all the people answered, ‘Amen! Amen!’ while lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground…And Nehemiah…Ezra…and the Levites who taught the people said…’This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn or weep.’ For all the people wept when they heard the words of the Law. Then he said to them, ‘Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.'” Nehemiah 8 (excerpts)

You might say, “That’s nice, but that was a long time ago and for a small remnant of Israel.” But here comes the beauty… now look at this passage in Revelation 7:9-17 (excerpts),

“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number…standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes…crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God…and to the Lamb!’ All the angels…and the elders…fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, saying ‘Amen!… Amen!’…These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb…They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst…for the Lamb…will shepherd them and lead them to the fountains of the waters of life. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

How’s that for a gorgeous and rich connection?!? This future gathering will not be for just a remnant of Israelites, but YOU will be included in that group! Are your robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb today? Get your heart ready, for your redemption is drawing nigh! This Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), whether you sit in a sukkah or not, may you lift your eyes and hands to Heaven and begin praising the Lamb of God in anticipation of that great and awesome day that is coming soon.

P.S. I found many more connections between these passages than what I mentioned here. So I have also prepared a chart that shows all the connections with in-depth explanation. If you would like to view the chart, click here or on this word “comparison chart”.

The post Tabernacles Past, Tabernacles Future appeared first on Rock of Revelation.

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